2–6 Nov 2015
US/Eastern timezone

Participant List

99 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aaron Hurst LBNL
Albert (Skip) Kahler LANL
Alejandro Sonzogni NNDC-BNL
Allan Carlson NIST
Andrej Trkov IAEA-NDS
Andrew Davis University of Wisconsin-Madison
Andrew Hummel INL
Arnold Aronson BNL
Ayman Hawari NCSU/TUNL
Balraj Singh McMaster University
Boris Pritychenko NNDC-BNL
Bret Beck Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
Bret Beck LLNL
BRIAN EPPING Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation
Brian Epping BMPC-KAPL
Brown David NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brown David NNDC-BNL
Caleb Mattoon LNLL
Caroline Nesaraja ORNL
Catherine Romano ORNL
cecil lubitz retired
Charles Wemple Studsvik Scandpower Inc.
Chuck Lee Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Chuck Lee LLNL
Danila Roubtsov Chalk River Laboratories, CNL
David Heinrichs LLNL
Dennis McNabb LLNL
Devin Barry KAPL
Donald Smith ANL
Donald Smith Argonne National Laboratory (retired)
Dorothea Wiarda ORNL
Edgardo Browne NNDC-BNL/LBNL
Elizabeth McCutchan NNDC-BNL
Erich Ormand LLNL /UC-Davis
Filip Kondev ANL
Goran Arbanas ORNL
Gustavo Nobre BNL
Gustavo Nobre NNDC-BNL
Hye Young Lee LANL
Ian Thompson LLNL
Jagdish Tuli NNDC-BNL
Jasmina Vujic UCB
Jeremy Conlin Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jeremy Lloyd Conlin LANL
Jesse Holmes Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
Jesse Holmes BMPC
Joanna Ingraham Defense Threat Reduction Agency
John Bess Idaho National Laboratory
John Bess INL
John Kelley NCSU/TUNL
Jon Batchelder UCB
Klaus Guber ORNL
Lee Bernstein LLNL/UCB
Luiz Leal ORNL
Marco Pigni ORNL
Mark Chadwick LANL
Mark Chadwick Lanl
Mark Cornock AWE.Plc
Mark Williams ORNL
Meiring Nortier LANL
Michael Carpenter ANL
Michael Dunn Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michael Rapp BMPC-KAPL
Michael Rapp RPI
Michael Smith ORNL
Michael Thoennessen MSU
Michael Zerkle Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory
Mike Dunn ORNL
Mike Herman BNL
Mike Herman NNDC-BNL
Mohamed Sawan University of Wisconsin
Paraskevi Dimitriou IAEA-NDS
Ramon Arcilla NNDC-BNL
Ramon Arcilla NNDC/BNL
Ramona Vogt LLNL /UC-Davis
Richard Firestone UCB
Robert Haight LANL
Roberto Capote IAEA-NDS
said mughabghab BNL
Shamsuzzoha Basunia LBNL
Skip Kahler LANL
Sonzogni Alejandro NNDC
Ted Barnes DOE-SC
Tim Gaines AWE.Plc
Tim Johnson NNDC-BNL
Timothy Trumbull BMPC-KAPL
Timothy Trumbull KAPL
Toshihiko Kawano LANL
Toshihiko Kawano Los Alamos National Laboratory
Vladimir Sobes ORNL
Yaron Danon Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Yaron Danon RPI
6 more participants