EW&BSM - WG meeting




Bi-weekly meeting to discuss physics updates for the Project Detector.

Wiki page for the group: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eic-project-detector/index.php/BSMEW

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SM: preliminary work on WR limits. Using the polarization dependence of the x-section for electron (or positron) scattering we can set limits on W_R masses (assuming the same coupling strenghts as the W_L).
SM: based on recent simulations I re-evaluated the limits and obtained an uncertainty for the x-section at Pe=1
SM: we could potentially include NLO parts (current analysis is only at LO).
CG: for the polarization I would suggest having a fixed absolute value for the uncertainty

BQ: obtained x-checks for the previous work done by Jinlong. Things look fairly good and we should be able to move forward.
SM: are we going to increase the number of events for the simulation? BQ: yes, but for now we are doing x-checks
JZ: will continue helping pushing this forward. I think we should optimize the cuts systematically. CC-backgrounds should be better optimized (like heavy flavor). One-charge decays could be something to investigate. This analysis only used tracking, including the rest of the detectors (particle flow) would be very helpful.
WD: optimizing the LQ cuts would be the place to focus for now.

Bardh Quni, Ciprian G, Jinlong Zhang, Sonny Mantry, Wouter Deconinck, Xiaochao Zheng,

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