Detector 1 General Meeting


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Meeting Recording:


    • General Status and Updates
      Conveners: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), John Lajoie (Iowa State University), Or Hen (MIT), Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste), Tanja Horn (Cath)
    • Working Groups Updates
      Convener: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)
      • 4
        hpDIRC (10+5)
        Speakers: Grzegorz Kalicy (CUA), Roberto Preghenella (INFN Bologna), Thomas Hemmick (Stony Brook University), Xiaochun He (Georgia State University)
      • 5
        DAQ / Electronics / Readout (10+5)
        Speakers: Alexandre Camsonne (JLAB), Mr Chris Cuevas (Jefferson Lab), Jeff Landgraf (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr Joachim Schambach (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • Q&A / Discussion
      Convener: Silvia Dalla Torre (INFN, Trieste)