High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[Hybrid RBRC seminar] Probing the Hydrodynamics of Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories

by Dr Scott Lawrence

2-160 (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1606067399?pwd=am02b0xIUXZ6TDR3d1dWL05TTDdaUT09)

2-160 (https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1606067399?pwd=am02b0xIUXZ6TDR3d1dWL05TTDdaUT09)


At large distances and long times, the behavior of quantum matter is generally well-described by hydrodynamics. As a result, the determination of a small number of low-energy constants---transport coefficients---suffices to make accurate predictions about the behavior of quantum field theories at all couplings and away from equilibrium. At strong couplings, the emergence of hydrodynamic behavior from microscopic QFT physics is not well understood. Relatedly, trustworthy theoretical calculations of transport coefficients remain elusive.

This talk centers around the discussion of several computational methods for investigating the hydrodynamic behavior of QFTs. Some, like the large-N (flavor) expansion, are well established but of limited applicability. Less mature methods, notably quantum computing and machine learning approaches, are likely to be useful for a wide range of theories.

This talk will incorporate 2206.04765, 2111.08158, 2104.02024, and various unpublished work.

Organized by

Nobuyuki Matsumoto