8:30 AM
8:50 AM
Welcome and Logistics
Huan Huang
9:00 AM
Recent developments of spin polarization phenomenology in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Francesco Becattini
(Università di Firenze)
9:30 AM
Spin alignment measurements and future perspective
Aihong Tang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
10:00 AM
Quarkonia and heavy flavor polarization: recent results and future perspectives (Zoom)
Luca Micheletti
11:00 AM
Measurement of novel vorticity phenomenon and future perspective (Zoom)
Mike Lisa
11:30 AM
Exact Polarization in Relativistic Fluids at Global Equilibrium
Andrea Palermo
(Università di Firenze, INFN Firenze, Goethe Univesität Frankfurt)