High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[HET seminar] LEX-EFT: The light exotics effective field theory

by Linda Carpenter (Ohio State)




Also in small seminar room.

Abstract: I propose the creation of a Light Exotics Effective Field Theory (LEX-EFT) catalog - a generic framework to capture all interactions between the Standard Model (SM) and all (or at least a large class of) theoretically allowed exotic states beyond the Standard Model (bSM), indexed by their SM and bSM charges. . This framework. for onshell exotics, which subsumes beyond the Standard Model paradigms as generally is a complement to Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), which can capture the off-shell effects of exotic fields. I review a general method for the construction of a complete list of gauge-invariant operators involving SM interactions with light exotics via iterative tensor product decomposition, I discuss charge flow in these operators and show how this charge flow affects the range of EFT validity and cross sections associated with an effective operator. I give an example catalog of exotic scalars coupling to SM gauge boson pairswhich demonstrates high.y non standard collider phenomenology.  Finally, I further demonstrate the utility of the LEX-EFT approach with several examples of effects on kinematic distributions and cross sections that would not be captured by EFTs agnostic to the exotic degrees of freedom and may evade the main inclusive collider searches tailored to the existing preferred set of standard bSM theories.

Organised by

Peter Denton