High Energy / Nuclear Theory / RIKEN Seminars

[HET seminar] Unraveling the Lepton Number Violation

by Lukáš Gráf (Berekeley)




Also in small seminar room.

Abstract: The quest for neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb) represents a prominent probe of physics beyond the Standard Model. The new particle physics underlying any potential lepton-number-violating signal can be parametrized within the framework of effective field theory in terms of a set of higher-dimensional operators triggering a variety of distinct 0vbb mechanisms. While it seems to be challenging to unravel the dominant contribution from the observation of this rare nuclear process itself, the (non-)conservation of lepton number can be also tested in a variety of other experiments. After going over the phenomenological consequences of double beta decay searches and their limitations, I will follow our recent analysis and discuss the complementary probes of lepton number violation and their interplay with 0vbb.

Organised by

Peter Denton