- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Meeting ID: 160 808 3861
Passcode: 625997
We had a short meeting due to the general meeting.
I am a bit late writing minutes, so if I misremember anything or you want to add to the minutes, please do so.
Indico page: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17279/
Some topics that we discussed:
Access to Indico to new groups:
-Indico has switched to federated accounts. If your institution is not part of the federation, please let us know.
Wiki pages:
Charlotte has volunteered to compile a first version of the task list. The wiki including the task list can be found here:
Many tasks that might be accessible to new groups are related to the SW framework. The wiki has a rough list of those tasks and a link to the GitHub page with more details (thanks Chris!)
We discussed the outcome of the GD/I meeting. The SIDIS studies seem to make case for low momentum tracking and PID. However, it actually seems a bit premature to conclude as much, since the impact is mostly at low z where we have ample statistics. Therefore we should at minimum compare the statistical uncertainties with the miinmal systematics (e.g. electron id etc) if not smearing (hard to do).
Another topic at the GD/I meeting with relevance to SIDIS are discussed tradeoffs in the backward region between tracking and PID. We discussed how important the tracking resolution in this region is.
The scattered electron goes in this direction but the ECAL will do a lot of the work here.
-For single hadron SIDIS, there are low z hadrons at low x going there, so the question is again how important those are and what resolution we need.
-Gluon Sivers and Saturation studies might also need tracking in that phase space, so we have to check what resolution is needed here.
To be discussed further. The groups having volunteered for these studies should investigate further. (Added to wiki…)
New Simulations:
There was an issue with the ECCE software stack based simulations, namely that some branches were missing.
In the meantime, those simulations were rerun and Chris verified that they are now ok (There were still some issues with the event evaluator, but I believe those are fixed now, maybe somebody can confirm).
The simulations are available at JLab and there is a plan to move them to S3 as well (maybe happened by now).
We discussed the need for accurate parametrization (e.g. in fast simulations) for the PID to estimate any impact of the proposed PID performance.
Fast simulations are probably the better way here as it allows a quicker turnaround (cannot run full simulations for every change)
Rad correction studies (Ralf)
Ralf showed initial comparisons between simulations (no detector response but fiducial cuts) with and w/o radiative corrections.
Differences for multiplicities seems small, maybe few percent. Maybe advantageous to look at ratios.
Ralf: can you upload slides?
Most changes seemed to be explainable by bin-by-bin migrations. There were some previous discussions about cross-section drop at low y due to radiative corrections, but this is not evident in the present simulations.