EPIC Tracking Working Group weekly meeting

Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.

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- Is clustering already implemented?
     + probably not, to be checked with the software group
- MPGD geometry in simulation is still a crude approximation: it is a
polyhedron because ACTS till version 20 couldn't deal with cylindrical
     + to be followed up. I'll discuss with Matt how to proceed on this.
- Shyam has nicely shown that particles with pT < 0.2 curl many times
inside the barrel leaving a lot of hits.
     + Since these low  momentum particles represent a large fraction of
particles of a typical DIS event, we need to consider these hits in our
background estimates.
     + Due to the integration time of the silicon, we might have a
chance (small, but not negligible) of these low-momentum-particle hits
that affect the "next" event
     + Pattern recognition studies must include not just beam-gas and SR
bkg, but also this low-momentum hits bkg
     + Is the "follow your nose" approach for pattern reco optimal to
deal with this type of events? Plans to test other pattern reco?
- The number of hits at forward and backward rapidities is very low:
down to 2 or 3 hits for |eta| ~3
     + we need to seriously address this issue
     + more detection planes? If so, what technology and where?
         * Low X0 MPGD layers after the silicon disks? Maybe in µTPC r/o
         * more silicon disks? What about a double sided Si disk for two
hits? too much material? too small lever arm?
         * is there enough space to add detection planes?
- Many of these questions rely on tools that are still in development
     + we should discuss with the simulation and software group about
timelines for
         * TrackID in MC propagated to the hits
         * MC matching of MC particle with Reco Track
         * Pattern recognition implementation and testing
         * Background embedding

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.