ePIC Collaboration Council Meeting

Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Minutes from Collaboration Council Meeting on April 21, 2023
The meeting agenda and materials are available via https://indico.bnl.gov/event/19156/

Participation reached 86 by noon EDT and fluctuated throughout the meeting. By consensus, the meeting was not recorded.

The minutes of the Collaboration Council meeting on March 24, 2023 were adopted and added to that meeting’s indico page. John Lajoie presented the ePIC Collaboration Status as posted.
Ernst Sichtermann updated on the ePIC Collaboration Council as posted.

Silvia Dalla Torre presented the Detector Recommendations following Recent Reviews as posted, and the proposed motions:

  • ePIC should initiate the EIC change control process to make the Imaging Barrel EMCal with four imaging layers the baseline technology selection. The design should be upgradeable to six layers as a future (off-project) upgrade,

  • mRICH and pfRICH costs are nearly the same, but pfRICH carriers a lower risk, thus ePIC should initiate the change control process to make the pfRICH the baseline technology selection for the backward RICH.

    John Lajoie discussed the ePIC Working Group Formation and Status as posted, and the proposed motions requesting that the Collaboration Council endorse:

  • The proposed structure of Cross-Cutting, Software and Computing and Physics Working Groups. Specifically, those WG’s to be activated at this time,

  • The proposed conveners for each Working Group, by working group.

  • The closed discussion resulted in consensus to vote electronically on the motions as proposed. No other business was brought up and the meeting was adjourned.

    Electronic voting was opened after the meeting and stayed open until Friday, April 28, 2023. In total, 91 Collaboration Council Members cast their votes electronically by the deadline on:

  • The separate motions to initiate the change control process for the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter and for the backward RICH,

  • The revised working group structure,

The proposed teams of co-conveners by working group.

The reviewed voting outcomes were communicated via the Collaboration Council mailing list and summarized on the collaboration- wide mailing list on May 1. All voting items met with convincing majorities in favor.

The Collaboration Council has thus endorsed the motion to initiate the EIC change control process to make the Imaging Barrel EMCal with four imaging layers the baseline technology selection and the motion to initiate the EIC change control process to make the pfRICH the baseline technology selection for the backward RICH.

The Collaboration Council has thus endorsed the proposed structure of Cross-Cutting, Software and Computing, and Physics Working Groups, as well as the proposed teams of co-conveners for each working group.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.