Particle Physics Seminars at BNL

Where Nuclear Physics Research and DEI in STEM Intersect: An Introspection

by Alix Dehayem (SBU)


This seminar will delve into the fascinating intersection of nuclear physics research and the imperative drive for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the STEM workforce. It will reflect on my journey as a nuclear physicist and highlight my research contributions in method development with nuclear and laser-based spectroscopy for trace atomic/molecular and radiogenic analysis utilizing chemometrics and machine learning techniques. The seminar will cover the following areas:

  • Spectroanalysis and imaging techniques employed for trace chemical detection in human body tissues and fluids, focusing on their potential in disease diagnostics.
  • Development of innovative microphotonic nuclear forensic analytical methods to enhance nuclear security efforts.
  • Analysis and modeling of heavy metal, radiogenic, and isotopic characteristics in high background radiation geothermal areas, considering their implications for resource exploration and environmental impact assessment.

Furthermore, I will share my experience and accomplishments leading the design, implementation, and evaluation of successful DEI in STEM programs that provide platforms where education, quality, and transdisciplinary research converge with advocacy, innovation, and scientific outreach to support the advancement of more equitable, accessible, and inclusive participation of a diverse population in STEM education and careers.

ONSITE: Small Seminar Room


Organised by

Angelo Di Canto
