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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

Quantum entanglement and Hadron structure

by Varun vaidya (University of South Dakota)

Small Seminar Room

Small Seminar Room


Even after 50 years of the formulation of the QCD Lagrangian, a conceptual understanding of hadron structure starting from the microscopic theory remains elusive. A related problem is the  calculation of  Parton Distribution functions(PDFs) which encode the partonic content of the hadron wavefunction. In this talk, I ll propose a new approach towards unraveling this mystery by borrowing ideas from Quantum information science. We suggest that, since a strongly coupled bound state hadron is a complex system with numerous inter- actions between its partons, notions from complex systems, statistical mechanics, and information theory can be elevated to a more central role in describing its properties. In particular, I will put  forward a possible emergent minimum free energy principle based on the quantum entanglement properties of partons making up  the bound state . As a first step, I ll discuss the success of this technique in describing the ground state spectrum and PDF of mesons and baryons in 1+1 D gauge theories and speculate on how these ideas can be applied to gauge theories in higher dimensions.

Organised by

Yacine Mehtar-Tani