Particle Physics Seminars at BNL

Search for u+ -> e+ gamma in the MEG II Experiment

by Dylan Palo (UC Irvine)

small seminar room

small seminar room


The MEG II experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) is an active search for the charged lepton flavor violating (CLFV) decay of an anti-muon to a positron-photon pair (μ+e+γ). The experiment proceeds with a μ+ beam directed at a stopping target in which a majority of the μ+ decay. The kinematic properties of the decay products (e+,γ) are measured in a magnetic spectrometer and a liquid xenon calorimeter respectively. By comparing the precise e+γ kinematic measurements, we discriminate between the signal and Standard Model backgrounds. The MEG II experiment plans to improve upon the current μ+e+γ sensitivity limit, set by its predecessor MEG I, by an order of magnitude (4.2101361014 at the 90\% C.L.). The sensitivity improvement is achieved through several upgrades including a higher μ+ beam rate, a redesigned light-weight wire drift chamber to improve the e+ kinematic resolution and a new set of 4096 multi-pixel photon counters at the inner-face of the calorimeter to improve the γ kinematic resolution. 

The MEG II collaboration recently published a physics result based on the first physics run (2021) and has now collected three years of physics data. In this seminar I will give an overview of the MEG II experiment and then discuss the achieved kinematic resolutions, the recent physics analysis, and the expected performance of the MEG II experiment over its full lifetime.