Detector 1 TOF-PID WG Weekly Meeting

Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University), Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 872 7116 4194
Passcode: EICTOF22

Matthew is waiting for inputs from Purdue to finalize the BTOF module PED request. Mathieu will prepare a similar request for FTOF module.

FTOF geometry:
Wei needs inputs from Andy. Will follow up with him 

TOF in Tracking:
John: are BTOF hits included in ACTS? ZY: yes believe so

Zhangbu​​: What is the status of TOF PID LUT?
Oskar: modified reconstruction code to be able to produce the LUT, waiting for the format. Plan to implement own factory and provide output from the LUT

Unanimously accepted the new DSC leadership structure, with Zhangbu as the DSL, Satoshi as the Deputy DSL, Mathieu and Matthew as the two DSTCs. 
Zhangbu: like the technology, has been working on STAR TOF in the last 20 years, ePIC TOF connect to physics interests. Move to KSU this week, will have new students/postdocs to contribute to ePIC TOF.
John/Silvia: DSCs choose own leaderships. Just need an email from the TOF DSC to inform the change, and will make announcement to the collaboration. 

TOF DSC working groups:
Tonko suggested to have two coordinators for mechanical/cooling. Zhangbu/Zhenyu seconded it.

PreTDR for TOF (CD-2): 
John: take electronics as an example
Zhenyu: yes we will discuss within the TOF DSC on the to-do-list, and present our plan at the various meetings

Sensor irradiation:
Simone: FNAL ITA may be available in mid March
Zhenyu: So you will check effects on leakage current, breakdown/full depletion voltage, gain, charge sharing?
Simone: IV/CV tested on all HPK sensors, and laser on some of the HPK sensors. Will use laser to check the gain comparing devices w/o and with being radiated. 
Wei: the anticipated fluence at this campaign are higher than what we will see (1e12 neq/cm2 max). What is the plan if we see effects?
Simone: will look into more irradiation campaigns at lower fluences if effects are seen at 1e13 neq/cm2
Simone: Are there more HPK sensors available?
Zhenyu: yes
Zhangbu: STAR as the last resort to perform such tests. See neutron flux in the ePIC hallway (STAR)

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.