ePIC pfRICH General meeting


Summary: The meeting focused on updates and discussions regarding the ongoing upgrade progress. Bill provided a detailed overview, emphasizing the need for funding for cryo pumping to enhance the vacuum system. Alexander discussed the feasibility of accommodating larger mirrors and stressed the importance of testing with real-size mirror samples. Progress in finalizing modifications to the measurement setup was acknowledged, with a transition to a more sophisticated approach for the pfRICH description in DD4Hep for planned for the May campaign.

Key Points:

  1. Bill's Upgrade Progress Update: Bill outlined progress in the upgrade, covering coating processes, substrate heating challenges, ion gun mounting design, and vacuum testing.

  2. Funding for Cryo Pumping: Bill emphasized the critical need for funding to implement cryo pumping, citing its significant impact on project deliverables and efficiency.

  3. Feasibility of Larger Mirrors: Alexander and Bill discussed the feasibility of accommodating larger mirrors for the dRich project and ongoing work on mirror mount designs for the pfRICH project.

  4. Testing with Real-size Samples: Alexander stressed the importance of testing with real-size samples to validate the work done effectively.

  5. Progress in Measurement Setup: Participants acknowledged progress in finalizing modifications to the measurement setup.

  6. Clarification on Sizes and Conventions: Alexander highlighted the importance of ensuring team members are aware of sizes, drawings, and conventions to prevent misunderstandings.

  7. Project Timeline Delay: Alexander raised concerns about the delay in the project timeline and questioned the validity of proceeding with production in April.

  8. Transition to Sophisticated Approach for the simulation: Alexander outlined the need to transition to a more sophisticated approach for the May campaign, focusing on fixing geometry and material issues.

  9. Yongqi presented an update on the phi dependent LUT, and got some feedbacks.

Next Steps:

  • Bill to finalize modifications to the measurement setup within one month to prepare for the trip to Jefferson Lab and take samples for recalibration.
  • Alexander to work with Yongqi offline after the meeting to address a particular code issue.
  • Alexander to generate events around phi equals 180 to identify any bugs and ensure a smooth drop in the effective number of photons.
  • Bill to address all material issues and prepare to discuss removing hard-coded parameters before the next meeting.
  • Yongqi to remain online after the call for Alexander to provide guidance on commenting and uncommenting defines in the code.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Stony Brook vessel & mirror PED work update
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    • 2
      Purdue vessel & mirror PED work update
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    • 3
      Azimuthal angle dependency of the LUTs for data production
      Speaker: Youqi Song (Yale University)
    • 4