ePIC pfRICH General meeting


Summary: The meeting provided updates on several projects, including aerogel characterization, B-field studies, and HRPPD evaluation. Brian outlined the structure and implementation plan for the Technical Design Report (TDR), stressing the importance of starting early and distributing effort effectively. It was proposed that Brian lead the TDR effort.

Key Points:

  • Progress updates were shared on aerogel characterization at Temple and BNL, focusing on cross-validation measurements and expectations for upcoming updates.
  • Alexander discussed freezing activities due to income developments of the HRPPD, potential contract rounds, collaboration with Bose Kyocera, and safety considerations in design modifications.
  • Planning updates for B-field studies at Argonne were provided, highlighting delayed equipment deliveries, progress monitoring for ASIC front end work, calibration delays, and upcoming beam tests.
  • Details on the HRPPD evaluation effort were provided, including collaboration with JLab engineers for validation and system integration into the project's centralized build.
  • Brian outlined the proposed structure for the TDR, emphasizing the need for a common format across detector subsystems to improve readability.
  • Discussion on the TDR implementation section included the inclusion of performance plots and results, utilizing existing sections from the CDR as a foundation.
  • Brian stressed the importance of early start and effort distribution to avoid last-minute rush, drawing from experiences during the CDR preparation.
  • Proposal for Brian to lead the TDR effort, become the deputy for TDR input provision, and communicate progress with the project and collaboration.

Next Steps:

  • Sourov to confirm the hard deadline for characterization at BNL, aiming to complete examination of all five HRPPD tiles by August for input to the first TDR draft.
  • Alex to prioritize work on the sensor plate design, ensuring substantial progress by the end of the month for prototype completion by the end of summer or July.
  • Determine milestones and deadlines for TDR input provision to avoid last-minute rush, with Brian leading the discussion on setting up milestones.
  • Circulate a proposal to the institutional board for Brian to become the deputy for leading TDR input provision and communications, with Alexander responsible for circulating the proposal for approval.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Stony Brook vessel & mirror PED work update
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Charles-Joseph Naïm (Stony Brook University (CFNS)), Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS)
    • 2
      Purdue vessel & mirror PED work update
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Andreas Werner Jung (member@cern.ch), Sushrut Karmarkar (Purdue University (USA))
    • 3
      pfRICH input to the TDR
      Speakers: Alexander Kiselev (BNL), Brian Page (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 4