(1) The most popular map of public transportation is jakdojade.pl/Warszawa
(2) How do you get from the airport to the conference site?
[Option A] At the airport, get on bus 188 and go for 20' until the "GUS" stop. Walk back to the crossroads.
– If your goal is the CZIiTT at Rektorska 4, cross the street along which your bus drove (Armii Ludowej St.) and continue the bus' direction on foot by 300 m.
– If you aim to go to the Physics Faculty at Koszykowa 75, find the GUS 04 tram stop (towards the skyscrapers / northwards). Take the 17 or 33 tram and go for 1 or 2 stops. The rest is on foot.
[Option B] At the airport get on the bus 175 and go for 24' until the "Dw. Centralny" stop. Walk back to the crossroad and find the "Dw. Centralny 09" tram stop (southwards). Take any tram (17, 33, 78).
– If your goal is the CZIiTT at Rektorska 4, get off at the GUS stop. Turn back and reach the northeastern corner of the crossroad. Walk 300 m by foot.
– If your goal is the Physics Faculty at Koszykowa 75, take 1 or 2 stops, the rest is by foot.
3) Where to buy the ticket
Caution: the machines inside the vehicles of public transport (bus/tram) do not accept cash and quite probably do not accept foreign cards.
You should rather find a stationary ticket machines (at bus/tram stops) where both ways of payments should be accepted. Check this website for the machine locations (scroll down to get the map). However, the ticket purchased this way is not valid immediately. You have to validate it after getting on the vehicle for the first time – in any of ticket-punchers.
(4) Ticket options
Check the most suitable ticket option under this link. We recommend the 3-day ticket (36 PLN).
You will find there the "Zone 1 / 2" terms. Click here to see the Zone map. Zone 1 covers the majority of Warsaw.