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Nuclear Physics Seminars at BNL

Exploration into the N structure

by Gustavo Paredes Torres (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)

Small Seminar Room (

Small Seminar Room


We are studying the form factors of Baryons, with particular interest in those of the Nucleon N(1520)3/2-. In this presentation, I will demonstrate a unified approach to calculating their properties using a model known as Contact Interaction. This involves initially solving the bound states of quarks and antiquarks within a meson, then quarks forming diquarks, and finally describing the baryons within a quark-diquark model.To investigate the elastic and transition form factors between baryons using the quark-diquark model, we must analyze all possible diagrams between the quark-diquark and photons allowed by their quantum numbers. These diagrams continuously participate in breakups and recombinations as required by the Faddeev kernel. While Contact Interaction analyses have their limitations, they also offer the advantage of algebraic simplicity and a demonstrated ability to reveal insights. These insights can then inform more sophisticated studies within frameworks that have closer ties to quantum chromodynamics.