ePIC pfRICH Engineering/Design Meeting



Meeting ID: 160 2832 6423 Passcode: 3DdgRUoscP


Passcode: 3?AYtMa*


Kong presented slides on the evaporation test and emphasized the importance of real-time monitoring for vacuum status in coatings. Sushrut reported successful achievement of the target radius in the first bonding and emphasized the need for two-piece manufacturing for the mirrors. Prakhar clarified the distribution of a one-inch tube for the gas inlet and questioned its path to the peer fridge.

Key Points

• Alex invites Kong to present slides on the evaporation test conducted with Preet and Peshoy, highlighting results and challenges faced during the process. (3:17)

• Kong discusses the importance of vacuum status in coatings and its impact on coding rates, emphasizing the need for real-time monitoring. (5:07)

• Kong concludes by outlining plans for future evaporation, communication with Purdue for epoxy bond samples, and preparations for mirror upgrades, stressing the importance of learning from current coating processes. (14:11)

• Alex suggests laser cutting samples before coating to isolate variables affecting waviness and hotspot formation, leading to a discussion with Kong on handling and potential impacts on mirror quality. (28:37)

• Sushrut reports successful achievement of the target radius in the first bonding, delays due to alignment challenges and lab space issues, and plans for the second bonding. (37:30)

• Sushrut provides updates on the t beams, mirrors, and inner mirror geometry, detailing machining, measurements, and layup processes, emphasizing the need for two-piece manufacturing for the mirrors. (40:44)

• Alex inquires about the bonding process for the A and B pieces of the mirror geometry, to which Sushrut explains the overlapping and curing process without the need for additional bonding. (44:22)

• Prakhar clarifies the distribution of a one-inch tube for the gas inlet and questions if it goes directly to the peer fridge or through smaller tubes. (51:17)

Next Steps

• Bill to draft slides for the light monitoring system and present them at the Thursday meeting or the following Monday meeting, aiming to have a preliminary version vetted by Fernando, Bob, and Craig before sharing with the team. (6:50)

• Sushrut to work on sending the requested samples this week and coordinate with Kong regarding the processing schedule. (34:09)

• Sushrut to design a metal insert for the gas inlet tube passing through the sensor plane, ensuring it is co-bonded and threaded for a secure seal. (50:31)

• Alex to request Prashanth to complete the slides by Thursday to align with the upcoming meeting schedule. (1:10:58)


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