13–15 Aug 2024
Fuller Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Contribution List

48 / 48
Mark Chadwick (Lanl)
13/08/2024, 09:00
David Brown (NNDC-BNL), Gustavo Nobre (BNL)
13/08/2024, 09:15
Dr Colin Josey (LANL), William Wieselquist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
13/08/2024, 11:00
Allan Carlson (NIST), Roberto Capote (IAEA NDS)
13/08/2024, 12:00
Michael Zerkle (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory), Dr Michael Zerkle (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
13/08/2024, 12:20
Michael Zerkle (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory), Dr Michael Zerkle (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
13/08/2024, 14:20
Michael Zerkle (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory), Dr Michael Zerkle (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
13/08/2024, 15:00
Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
13/08/2024, 16:00
Jesse Brown (ORNL)
14/08/2024, 09:00
Dr Marco Pigni (ORNL)
14/08/2024, 09:15
Dorothea Wiarda (ORNL)
14/08/2024, 09:45
Emanuel Chimanski (BNL)
14/08/2024, 11:10
Chris Chapman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
14/08/2024, 11:45
Gustavo Nobre (BNL)
14/08/2024, 13:30
Gerry Hale (LANL), Mark Paris (LANL T-2)
14/08/2024, 13:50
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
14/08/2024, 14:10
Michael Zerkle (Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory), Dr Michael Zerkle (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
14/08/2024, 14:50
Jesse Brown (ORNL)
14/08/2024, 15:45
Jason Thompson (NNL-KAPL)
14/08/2024, 16:05
Greg Siemers (RPI)
14/08/2024, 16:15
Chris Chapman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
14/08/2024, 16:35
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
15/08/2024, 09:00
Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
15/08/2024, 09:40
Yaron Danon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
15/08/2024, 10:35
Vladimir Sobes (University of Tennessee)
15/08/2024, 10:55
Mike Grosskopf (LANL)
15/08/2024, 13:30
Roberto Capote (IAEA NDS)
15/08/2024, 13:45
Vladimir Sobes (University of Tennessee)
15/08/2024, 14:25
David Brown (NNDC-BNL)
15/08/2024, 14:45
Amy Lovell (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
15/08/2024, 15:25