Aug 13 – 15, 2024
Fuller Lodge
US/Mountain timezone

Draft Agenda

Draft Mini-CSEWG Agenda


First Day: Looking backwards and looking forward

  • AM:
    • Lessons learned from the preparation and release of ENDF/B-VIII.1
      Guided discussion led by G. Nobre & D. Brown
    • What will go in ENDF/B-IX?
      • Activation data
        Guided discussion led by TBD
      • Charged particle evaluations with fusion focus
        Guided discussion led by I. Thompson
      • Fission products, decay data, delayed neutrons
        Guided discussion led by A. Sonzogni
      • Nuclear Data Standards
        Guided discussion led by A. Carlson & R. Capote
      • TSL Evaluations
        Guided discussion led by M. Zerkle
        • Accounting for thermal expansion effects in MF7/MT2 - this one of the last remaining significant physics approximations we can relax
        • Isotopic enrichment effects for fuel material
        • Support for machine-learned TSL kernels (NeTS)
        • Path forward for TSL covariance data, formats, evaluation methodology, etc (targeted investments will be needed in this area)
  • PM: New differential and integral validation experiments to target for ENDF/B-IX 
    • Future Pu fast assembly
    • Validation needs for FPY
      Guided discussion led by M. Zerkle
      • Reactor depletion validation
      • Decay heat validation
    • Validation needs for fusion, including improvements to pulsed sphere benchmarks
      Guided discussion led by M. Zerkle
    • Gamma emission experiments & validation
      Guided discussion led by Y. Danon

Second Day:

  • AM: Formats & Processing
    Chaired by D. Wiarda & M. Dunn
    • Big covariances (MF32)
    • MF32-like solution for URR
    • URR formalism updates for outgoing charged particle and MT5X reactions
    • covariance formats for 2-D data ( for example TSL) and fission products and how we aim to use them in the processing codes (AMPX doesn't do any 2-D covariance data yet)
    • Since we are aiming to use GNDS in upcoming releases maybe we can suggest having resonance parameters and point-wise data both in the file. This would promote having resonance parameter for nuclides like oxygen, even so not all processing codes support the new and upcoming formats yet.  This would require a re-imagining of the role of the LRP flag
    • MT=900-999 for primary reaction channels in ENDF6 format (this is already easy in GNDS), and conversion to MT=102 for legacy codes. We will have several examples of this, at least for light targets.
    • extending covariance matrix to describe fits to data normalizations and/or energy shifts (at least in GNDS if not ENDF6)
    • need to sponsor some processing code intercomparison exercises to prepare for the GNDS-only release. This was discussed this month at the WPEC meeting, but CSEWG may want to do more to make sure our nuclear data processing and transport codes are fully squared away in preparation for ENDF/B-IX.  
    • Other open issues
  • PM: New results (measurement, evaluation and validation)
    Chaired by G. Nobre

Third Day: New techniques
Chaired by D. Neudecker and D. Brown

  • How to use templates
  • Alternative evaluation techniques
  • Treatment of model uncertainties
  • ​​​​​​​What capabilities do we need for ENDF/B-IX?