ePIC pfRICH General meeting



The meeting focused on the delay in receiving a metrology report for the rings from Purdue, emphasizing the necessity of precise measurements and flatness. Charles highlighted the criticality of correct measurements for end rings before form installation and alignment. Brian proposed a timeline to meet the end-of-year deadline for the document, encouraging consistent progress.

Key Points

  1. Delay in Metrology Report

    • Alex discussed the delay in receiving a metrology report for the rings from Purdue and stressed the importance of having a full report to identify measurement differences. (0:02)
  2. Need for Precise Measurements

    • Charles emphasized the need for precise measurements and flatness, suggesting involving Dan and potentially seeking assistance from BNL for inspection. (6:07)
    • Charles summarized the current project status, underscoring the criticality of correct measurements for the end rings before proceeding with form installation and alignment processes. (10:19)
  3. Equipment Order and Light Output

    • Alexandre informed the team about ordering a fiber with a bigger diameter to improve light output and requested checking the spot size on the camera to determine if the new equipment is better. (15:03)
  4. Aerogel QA Station Update

    • Matt provided an update on progress with the Aerogel QA station, mentioning the implementation of a 340-nanometer LED and studying measurement points for fit assessment. (23:28)
    • Matt explained the process of creating transmittance spectra by taking measurements from different points on aerogel tiles and comparing them to measurements from Brookhaven and the aerogel factory. (27:29)
    • Matt summarized the findings, including the implementation of a lower wavelength LED, quality assurance quantities extraction, and the comparability of results between full continuous spectra fit and partial fit. (37:55)
  5. End-of-Year Deadline for Document

    • Brian stressed the importance of meeting the end-of-year deadline for the document, proposing a timeline, encouraging consistent progress, and expressing confidence in the existing material as a strong foundation. (56:48)

Next Steps

  1. End Ring Inspection

    • Charles to organize a visit to Stony Brook for Dan to inspect the end rings. (6:18)
  2. Pre-TDR Input and Review

    • Brian to share the draft of the pre-TDR input on an Overleaf page with everyone in the next few days and start communicating with people to review and update the sections for conciseness and accuracy. (47:40)
  3. TDR Responsibilities and Timeline

    • Brian to put together a spreadsheet listing responsibilities for each section of the TDR, create a timeline, and ensure progress is made to complete the document by the end of the calendar year. (56:18)
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