ePIC SVT WP3 Electrical Interfaces Meeting

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      Speakers: Marcello Borri (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Zhenyu Ye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

      Preliminary Design Report (extended version): discussion on who contributes/wants to contribute;

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      Prototyping: Disk FPC
      Speakers: Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Zhengwei Xue (Other@lbl.gov;Member@lbl.gov;Staff@lbl.gov), Zhenyu Ye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
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      Prototyping: OB FPC
      Speakers: Dr Ihor Tymchuk (REP LTU), Joellen Renck (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Marcello Borri (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Todd Huffman (member@ox.ac.uk;staff@ox.ac.uk), William Helsby (staff@stfc.ac.uk)

      spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: procured by B'ham, supplier confirmed delivery by the end of this week (Wk50).

      spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: 5 wedges procured (1 for Trst, 1 for Lpool, 3 for Bham). Any spTAB to be sent to the LBNL or LANL?

      spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: test structures to practice spTAB bonding available, sent from RPE LTU as part of previous (and only) order.

      spTAB wedge to interconnect FPCs: B'ham to start spTAB tests in early January 2025.

      Further info provided by RPE LTU: Araldite2011 was used to encapsulate spTAB in Low TRL OB L4 protype 1 samples; 

      Further info provided by RPE LTU: drawing for 3D printed jig to interconnect B-FPC to M-FPC shared with collaboration; (Ask Marcello or Ihor for a copy)


      Q-flex: LANL waiting for delivery of B-FPCs. A preliminary test plan was agreed via email.

      RPE LTU: working on proposal for daisy chain strucutres to compare spTAB bonding and wire-bonding.

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      Prototyping: IB FPC
      Speakers: Andrew Hill (staff@stfc.ac.uk), Laura Gonella (INFN Trieste)

      IB mock-up FPCs: designed reviewed within STFC, mods to be completed soon. (See A.Hill presentation)

      IB mock-up FPCs: discussion on supplier, quantities and order placement;

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      Further brainstorming : OB module