Electronics & DAQ WG


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Meeting ID: 161 839 7692
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Meeting ID: 161 839 7692
Passcode: 462040


Wiki :

DAQ - EIC Project Detector Collaboration (bnl.gov)

Mailing list :




Mattermost : join det1-daq channel 


Digitization table link


Project information link


Cables and service spreadsheets subdetectors


News - co-conveners

  • DAQ protocol document wrapping up. Join Mattermost discussion at https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/daq----gtudamrdo-fiber-protocol-discussion
  • Please join CM E/DAQ/SRO Workfest on July-25
  • No meeting next week (US Holiday)
  • ZENODO (ePIC collaboration documentation) Keyword candidate for our WG electronics_daq. Suggestions welcomed




Slide 10:

Jeff: what is the SyncCMD bits structure

Irakli: 5-6 bits SyncCMD -> ~32 different commands.

Irakli/Tonko: Open question: command at each clock cycle or minimal delays?

Jeff: The option is open for multi-crossing command

Irakli: Salsa data link is 4x 1Gbps


Slide 13:

Tim/Gerard/Irakli: DC/DC discussed could be CERN or other options Gerard&Tim are studying. At MPGD locations the radiation is lower and commercial ones can be viable.


Slide 17:

Tonko/Irakli: electrical firefly cable (passive). Enhancing driving via buffer chips

Elke/Roland: option 2 and 3 are viable. About 3m cable length needed


Slide 18:

Jin/Irakli: unified interface assumed, 4 bi-directional fiber channels per FEB

Irakli: optical firefly radiation tolerance is promising


Slide 20/21:

Elke: Halogen-free is CERN requirement, not in BNL

Gerad: "Halogen-free" usually compromises fire retardancy. US codes generally emphasize fire retardance over smoke toxicity.




Irakli/Jeff/Jin: timing resolution can reach O(1-10)ns, i.e. detector limited. PLL phase reset stability is well within this limit too.


Gerad: Is simpler copper cable at a lower speed possible? The average link utilization is about 300Mbps. This option should be studied

Irakli: We would like to have a 50% load and avoid higher link utilization compared to the link speed.


William: address bit on Salsa chip? i.e. unified receiver, in the case for the use of VTRX+

Irakli: SACLEY developed ASIC FanOut for such a case, used in CMS

Jeff: it is not possible to add to the batch of orders in CD3B, though future orders are not impossible


Cable space:


Iralli: The copper option has a 5cm radial thickness (using simpler estimation)

Roland: plausible. More of an issue for the e-going side; less constrained on the h-going side.

Irakli: The optical version is much thinner but fragile to sharp bending

Roland: the bend radius is 5cm in current models.


Roland posted more detector model screenshots on indico: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/23992/#sc-2-1-in-follow-up-of-rdo-pla

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.