EICUG Theory WG meeting on Parton Showers

Alessandro Bacchetta (University of Pavia and INFN), Anna Stasto (Penn State University), Felix Ringer (JLab/ODU), Wim Cosyn (FIU)

Recording link: https://fiu.zoom.us/rec/share/j16zJpsQuRhyW1nOojvPs7XCMjZBQDlP3US6xxPLo_Vi6uUHGEwykz55ZQostqx_.EXD8utJcNM8gqMuo 
Passcode: KPk##T9F

Previous meeting on Monte Carlo generators for EIC: link

    • 09:00 09:30
      Parton Showers with saturation effects 30m
      Speaker: Jian Zhou (Shandong University)
    • 09:30 10:00
      The eHIJING Event Generator for Jet Tomography in eA 30m
      Speaker: Dr Weiyao Ke