Reconstruction Group Meeting


Zoom coordinates:

July 16

Att: Shujie Li, Derek Anderson, Wouter Deconinck, Cameron Dean, Pavel Kisel, Torre Weneus,  Gianluigi Boca, Brian Page, Nicole Schmidt

==talk 1 by Pavel: KF Particle Finder @STAR and CBM==
Wouter: post the github repo for a reference version of KF Particle
-Text files available for documentations. 
-results are all data from STAR not MC
-if the decay is included, then the KF Particle algorithm can take tracks with cov matrix to produce particles. 
-lambda->pi+ p, use mass of p and pi to find mass of lambda, but the vertice has no explicit mass. Mass is not part of the state vector
-KF Particle FInder is 10x faster than the standard star tracking algorithm

==talk 2 by Cameron Dean: KFparticle@sPHENIX==
-sPHENIX has multiple tracking systems that stream data, no PID
-decay parser and decay finder from root pdg database
-output to ntuples or containers
-the official code is imported without modification
- no ACTS vertexing  b/c the tracking resolution effectively reject all secondary vertexing
- event combining offline

-additional functions from KFParticle Finder for particle subtractions  
-need to update the code for new ROOT version. Can then make a general version of KFParticle
ePIC will have KFparticle development in parrellel with the secondary vertexing with ACTS

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