EPIC Far-Forward Weekly Meeting


Small group today: Alex Jentsch, Michael Pitt, Janusz Chwastowski, Evgeny Shulga, Sourav Tarafdar, Yuji Goto, Yulia Furletova, Zvi Citron


Michael's Talk on the B0 EMCAL

  • Geometry has been modified to account for shift of EMCAL and tracker (15cm total in z) to improve tracking performance in the B0 field map.
  • B0 performance then evaluated after changes to ensure performance is still what it needs to be.
  • There is still some disagreement between the GEANT geometry and the geometry in CAD - distance between hadron beam pipe and shielding for the electron beam, potential issue with the proximity to the beam pipe (2mm is the current spec, could be increased to 5mm).
  • Outer-most crystals not senstive to full energy reconstruction due to background from scattering off of the beam pipe and support sturcture. For theta < 13 mrad, energy reconstruction is very good, and efficiency close to 100%.
  • Work has been done to apply realistic digitization scheme in the reconstruction.
  • Performance of the ZDC also evaluted. Most of the energy ends up in the SiPM-on-Tile portion of the ZDC - the EMCAL is only very sensitive to the low-E photons.
  • Combined performance of B0 + ZDC for photons quite good: overall ~90% efficiency for the B0, ~ 80% for the ZDC.
  • Neutrons in the B0 EMCAL also looked at. Energy reconstruction is very bad, as expected (only a single interaction length), but some position information could be available to constrain angular information. --> concept being used for pion structure measurements. Use pion + electron to constrain total p, and then use position information from B0 EMCAL to obtain neutron angular information. Promising approach (See work by Love Preet, Garth Huber, et al.)
  • Lots of plots of the various detectors coverage and reconstruction of pT.


Pre-TDR deadline is THIS SUNDAY. Please type up your work into your respective chapters ASAP.

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