BNL Physics Colloquia

The Proton EDM Experiment

by Prof. Alexander Keshavarzi (Univ. of Manchester)




The storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) experiment (pEDM) will be the first direct search for a proton EDM and will improve on the current (indirect) limit by at least 4 orders of magnitude. It is the only EDM experiment with next generation potential to reach its SM model prediction, making it one of the promising searches for the source of the universe’s matter-antimatter asymmetry. It will, at the very least, surpass the current sensitivity (set by neutron EDM experiments) to QCD CP-violation by 3 orders of magnitude. It is an extremely sensitive probe for the existence of axions with important consequences for dark matter searches, making it one of the most promising efforts to solve the strong CP problem. It will build upon the highly successful techniques of the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab, which has demonstrated the power of precision storage ring searches for charged particle dipole moments. These motivators, coupled with a new Physics reach of O(10^3) TeV and a modest construction cost compared to the currently-being-discussed future programme of international particle physics, make it one of the low-cost/high-return proposals in particle physics today. In this talk, I will motivate and describe the pEDM experiment, and detail how BNL is ideally positioned to ensure its success by building upon its vast expertise and achievements. 

Meeting ID: 1605020278

Passcode E=mc2

Numerical passcode: 072826


Organized by

Raju Venugopalan/Yannis Semertzides