They will source the 50 um wafer and then, bond the wafer to a carrier to facilitate processing -> metalization -> debonding -> dicing -> packaging
They do not have chip trays for the specified chip size and can ship the chips on a dicing ring for manual separation at our end. Is it acceptable?
In view of the thickness (50um), deposition will be done using evaporation or sputtering and not electroplating. In that case, Al can be around 500 nm, and for Cu, it will be around 1 µm. Will this work for us?
For AncASIC, dicing a chip size of 15 mm x 1.5 mm is challenging, but they are willing to try. They need to do a dicing test at the start before fabricating the actual sample. Increasing from 1.5 mm to 3 mm would have a better yield. But I think we should stick to 1.5 mm. Correct me if I am wrong
Delivery time is 1 to 2 months (initial testing time included)
A quotation will be given as soon as above points are clarified
PKM: possibly also available. A short meeting scheduled on Wednesday
Other suppliers (including SVM) do not fit our requirement well
To discuss transport tray for prototypes: custom made? 3D print them in house?