BNL Physics Colloquia

New Measurement of the K⁺ → π⁺νν̅ Branching Ratio by the CERN NA62 Experiment

by Robert Velghe (TRIUMF)


The K⁺ → π⁺νν̅ decay is a highly suppressed flavor-changing neutral current dominated by short distance dynamics. With only about 3% theoretical uncertainty on the Standard Model branching ratio, and given its properties, this process is often called a "golden mode" for New Physics searches.

Almost 30 years ago, the BNL AGS E797 experiment reported the first evidence of this decay. Recently, the CERN SPS NA62 experiment achieved a signal significance above five sigmas.

In this talk, I will introduce flavor physics, present the NA62 experiment, and review the 2016–2018 and 2021–2022 NA62 K⁺ → π⁺νν̅ searches.


Meeting ID: 161 748 9674
