BNL Physics Colloquia

AI in Particle and Nuclear Physics - and Beyond

by Prof. Ivan Kisel (FIAS, Univ. of Frankfurt, Germany)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming particle and nuclear physics by providing powerful tools for handling complex data. This colloquium will highlight recent advances in the application of neural networks and cellular automata to track finding, particle identification, and the search for short-lived particles. We will also explore how AI helps to classify heavy-ion collisions and identify events involving quark-gluon plasma formation.  
The problem of interpreting AI models as black boxes and the ongoing efforts to make them explainable will be addressed. Finally, we will relate these applications to the broader role of AI in science and business, and to the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Geoffrey Hinton and John J. Hopfield for their fundamental contributions to neural networks, which are now central to AI-driven research in physics and beyond.  

Meeting ID: 161 748 9674


Organised by

Aihong Tang