24 September 2018
BNL, Physics
US/Eastern timezone

Automating Inter-facility Science with Fine Grained Authorization

24 Sep 2018, 15:20
Room 1-224 (Building 510)

Room 1-224

Building 510

Brookhaven National Laboratory Department of Physics Upton, NY 11973
Authorization & Authentication Infrastructure Authorization & Authentication Infrastructure


Mark Day (LBNL)


Abstract: Inter-facility workflows by their nature cross facility boundaries thereby implying attention to how users are authenticated at each facility and how their workflow steps are authorized. A variety of approaches can be used to make these boundary crossings less intensive in terms of human effort. We suggest fine grained authorizations as a means to automation by forming a minimal set of inter-operational controls which abide the policies of both facilities. A spectrum of authorized actions are examined from read-only access, posting of future intents, to full access are considered in the context of photon science data analysis.

Primary author

Mark Day (LBNL)

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