24 September 2018
BNL, Physics
US/Eastern timezone

Network Architecture and Operations of the RACF/SDCC Facility

24 Sep 2018, 14:20
Room 1-224 (Building 510)

Room 1-224

Building 510

Brookhaven National Laboratory Department of Physics Upton, NY 11973
Wide Area Network Wide Area Network


Mr Alexandr Zaytsev (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))


This talk gives a summary of the current structure of network systems deployed in B515 based RACF/SDCC facility, emphasizing of the architecture of the Science Zone and its expected evolution in 2019-2023 period during which the new B725 based datacenter to be constructed under umbrella of the BNL Computing Facility Revitalization (CFR) project is expected to enter the fully operational state. The main challenges and shifts in network technology anticipated in this timeframe are discussed. The model of how other BNL user facilities can access the RACF/SDCC resources and use RACF/SDCC Facility as a bridge to external network resources is outlined.

Primary author

Mr Alexandr Zaytsev (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))

Presentation materials