24 September 2018
BNL, Physics
US/Eastern timezone

Ubiquitous Big Data: Supporting the Proliferation of Big Data Experiments from the Data Center

24 Sep 2018, 16:50
Room 1-224 (Building 510)

Room 1-224

Building 510

Brookhaven National Laboratory Department of Physics Upton, NY 11973
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Shigeki Misawa (BNL)


Advances in electronics has resulted in the explosion of scientific instruments that are capable of generating "Big Data". Traditionally, there were few big data experiments in operation at any given instant. These experiments were typically large endeavors with the financial, infrastructure, computing, and personnel resources to manage the data volumes generated by the experiment. With the proliferation of big data scientific instruments, next generation Big Data experiments will typically be smaller scale operations with limited resources. Individually, these next generation experiments may not have the resources to handle the data volumes. However, collectively, they may be able to support the necessary computing and storage infrastructure. This talk discusses how a central data center can help provide these resources.

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