Jan 28 – 30, 2019
US/Pacific timezone


  1. Travel to Los Angeles, the usual airport is Los Angeles International Airport, airport code: LAX
  2. UCLA campus is located in the Westwood area. From LAX to Westwood, you can take either taxi, flyaway shuttle, or Uber. For Uber service at LAX, you need to go to the departure level at LAX. Then at each terminal, there is a station for shuttle service and Uber driver will pick you up at the station. Flyaway shuttle service directly goes from LAX to Westwood, just make sure that you get on the bus bound for Westwood. The fee is very cheap (only credit card accepted). 
  3. The conference venue is located in UCLA Math Sciences Building, called UCLA IDRE portal, which is basically room 5628 in the building. In the workshop main website, directions are given on how to get to this place, which is reproduced in this link.