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BNL Physics Colloquia

Special Colloquium: Views and news on chiral transport

by Karl Landsteiner (Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC)

large seminar room

large seminar room

Bldg. 510A

I present an effective action approach to chiral transport. Chiral Magnetic and
Chiral Vortical Effect are treated in exact parallel and result in the known dependence on chemical potential and temperature. The approach sheds light on some of the more obscure features of chiral transport such as covariant and consistent anomalies and a seeming mismatch of the derivative expansion. As a related application I will comment on the thermal Hall effect on 2D topological insulators. Then I discuss a new example of chiral transport: anomalous Hall viscosity at the quantum critical point of the Weyl-semimetal/insulator transition. Results from a holographic model will be compared to a weak coupling quantum field theory analysis.