13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Measuring Neutrino Oscillations with the MINOS Experiment

16 Aug 2013, 16:30
ISB 221 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 221

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Mr Alexander Radovic (University College London)


The observation of neutrino oscillation provided the first evidence for physics beyond the standard model. MINOS has been one of the foremost experiments in the field. Pioneering the two-detector technique, the MINOS long-baseline oscillation experiment has made several world-class neutrino oscillation measurements, not only making the most precise measure of the largest neutrino mass splitting, but also the first direct measurement of the antineutrino oscillation parameters. This presentation provides a definitive summary of the contribution MINOS has made to the world's knowledge of theta_23 and delta m^2_32 through the observation of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance.
APS member ID 61144578

Primary author

Mr Alexander Radovic (University College London)

Presentation materials