13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Electro-weak Bound States

15 Aug 2013, 11:10
Cowell 131 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Cowell 131

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Electroweak Physics Electroweak Physics


Prof. David Owen (Ben Gurion University)


Beginning with the electroweak Lagrangian, the the two-body Green’s function can be written for various two body systems. For each possible two body system, the appro- priate Bethe-Salpeter equation is derived from which bound states containing any of the particles that are the constituents of the electro-weak theory. In particular, bound states with vector bosons is constituent are described as vector boson-anti-vector bo- son, etc . The perturbation theory is developed so that one can calculate the energy levels as precisely as desired. Furthermore, discussion of how to obtain the Bethe- Salpeter equation for any spin particles in general, is also discussed . Lowest-order corrections for the electro-weak bound systems is calculated as well.
APS member ID 61022353

Primary author

Prof. David Owen (Ben Gurion University)

Presentation materials