13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Experience Running an Analysis Cluster in an Academic Cloud

15 Aug 2013, 09:35
ISB 102 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 102

University of California, Santa Cruz

both oral presentation and poster Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing


Peter Onyisi (U. Texas Austin)


Cloud computing offers the opportunity for small research groups with fluctuating computing needs to access significant computing power with minimal investment in hardware and administration. However the cloud environment presents its own challenges, in particular those posed by the movement and storage of the large datasets used in HEP. We have evaluated two academic Infrastructure as a Service cloud platforms (Nimbus and OpenStack) in the FutureGrid testbed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. We report on the experience, in particular ease of use and performance.
APS member ID 60050967

Primary authors

Ms Crystal Riley (U. Texas Austin) Peter Onyisi (U. Texas Austin)

Presentation materials