13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Analysis of $\nu_e$ appearance from an off-axis $\nu_{\mu}$ beam utilizing neutrino energy spectrum

16 Aug 2013, 11:45
ISB 221 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 221

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Mr Joshua Hignight (SBU)


T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment in Japan using a 30 GeV proton beam at the J-PARC accelerator to produce an intense off-axis $\mu$ neutrino beam. One of its primary goals is to measure neutrino oscillation parameters by directly detecting $\nu_e$ that have oscillated from a $\nu_{\mu}$ beam. In this talk, I will describe the recent 2013 $\nu_e$ appearance oscillation analysis using the reconstructed neutrino energy spectrum by means of a maximum likelihood fit. The data used for this analysis corresponds to 6.93$\times10^{20}$ POT. I will also go over recent improvements to the analysis and present the newest results.
APS member ID 61101068

Primary author

Presentation materials