13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

A new measurement of reactor antineutrino disappearance using neutron captures on hydrogen and gadolinium in the Double Chooz far detector

16 Aug 2013, 10:55
ISB 221 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 221

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Rachel Carr (Columbia University)


To enhance sensitivity to electron antineutrino oscillations, the Double Chooz collaboration has developed a variety of innovative analysis techniques. Double Chooz is the only reactor antineutrino experiment to expand the inverse beta decay search to include neutron captures on hydrogen as well as the standard gadolinium captures. As of summer 2013, it the only experiment of its kind to exploit the energy dependence of oscillations. Finally, through a separate study based on reactor power modulation, Double Chooz has made the only $\sin^2 2\theta_{13}$ measurement which does not depend on \textit{a priori} predictions of background rates or spectra. In this talk, we report a new rate-and-energy-spectrum analysis which combines Double Chooz hydrogen and gadolinium capture results. We also report results of a reactor power-based analysis with unique independence from background modeling.
APS member ID 61100252

Primary author

Rachel Carr (Columbia University)

Presentation materials