13–17 Aug 2013
University of California, Santa Cruz
US/Pacific timezone

Cathode Strip Chamber upgrade for the CMS Endcap at the HL-LHC

16 Aug 2013, 09:35
ISB 102 (University of California, Santa Cruz)

ISB 102

University of California, Santa Cruz

oral presentation Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing Accelerators, Detectors, and Computing


Ms Indara Suarez (Texas A&M University)


The High Luminosity LHC accelerator upgrade will provide five times higher instantaneous luminosity than the current LHC. This boost in luminosity will allow the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment to probe the properties of the newly discovered Higgs boson and extend the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. In order to handle the increased data rate and maintain high trigger efficiency for pseudorapidity up to 2.4, the readout and trigger electronics of the Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) muon detectors in the CMS endcap are undergoing an upgrade. This talk will discuss the design of the new level-1 trigger electronics based on the new generation of FPGA technologies and fast optical links, the ongoing commissioning and system integration of new readout and trigger electronics for the ME1/1 system, as well as the results of testing for stability at high radiation levels expected in the HL-LHC environment. In conclusion, we will discuss plans for early commissioning of the system and the expected improvements in system performance.
APS member ID 61086667

Primary author

Ms Indara Suarez (Texas A&M University)

Presentation materials