70 / 70
- Goran Arbanas (ORNL)
- Ramon Arcilla (NNDC-BNL)
- Shamsuzzoha Basunia (LBNL)
Jon Batchelder
(University of California Berkeley)
- Speaker at Update on the beta-p horizontal evaluation
- Bret Beck (LLNL)
Lee Bernstein
- Speaker at Experimental Activities at LBNL
- Speaker at isotope production charged particle templates
- Speaker at LBNL
Tim Bohm
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Speaker at Data validation for fusion neutronics
Todd Bredeweg
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Fission Product Chain Yield Measurements
- Jesse Brown (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Dave Brown
- Speaker at EG-GNDS Status Report
- Speaker at ENDF as a Gaussian Process Regression model and the ENDF Belief Network
- Speaker at ENDF Manual Update
- Speaker at NDIAWG FOA discussion
- Speaker at Problems with 16O(n,n'a) gammas
- Speaker at Status of gitlab migration and ADVANCE CI/CD system for ENDF
- Speaker at Status of the Atlas of Neutron Resonances
- Speaker at Welcome
- Roberto Capote (IAEA NDS)
Allan Carlson
- Speaker at NIST
- Speaker at Recent work on neutron standards data
Chris Chapman
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at TSL Evaluations
Jun Chen
- Speaker at Code developments at MSU and MSU report
- Speaker at MSU
Jeremy Conlin
- Speaker at Format proposal: CODATA2018
- Speaker at NJOY Processing Code Report
- Speaker at SG-43 Status Report
Yaron Danon
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Speaker at Nuclear data measurement and analysis at RPI
- Marie-Anne Descalle (LLNL)
Michael Dunn
(Spectra Tech, Inc.)
- Speaker at PREPRO2019 Processing Code Release
- Gino Fabricante (NNDC)
- Cathleen Fry (LANL)
- Klaus Guber (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Ayman Hawari
(North Carolina State University)
- Speaker at TSL Evaluations
Adam Hayes
- Speaker at ENSDF Data Storage
- Speaker at GOSIA Coulex Results as ENSDF Data
David Heinrichs
- Speaker at Beta-effective benchmarks
Mike Herman
- Speaker at New paradigm for nuclear data evaluation
- Speaker at WPEC SG46 Summary
Aaron Hurst
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Speaker at A new gamma+X-ray coincidence database
- Skip Kahler (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Toshihiko Kawano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Current status of evaluation for ENDF FPY data sublibrary
- Speaker at LANL
John Kelley
- Speaker at TUNL
- Keegan Kelly (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Kang Seog Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Filip Kondev
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Speaker at ANL
- Speaker at Horizontal evaluations at ANL and ANL report
- Speaker at Update on AME and discussion on superheavies
Fnu Krishichayan
(Duke University/TUNL)
- Speaker at Nuclear data measurements carried at TUNL
- Sean Kuvin
Luiz Leal
- Speaker at Evaluations at IRSN
- Speaker at Update on IRSN Activities
- Esther Leal Cidoncha
Hye Young Lee
- Speaker at 35Cl(n,p) Reaction Measurement and Evaluation Plans
- Speaker at Angular and energy distribution evaluations for 62 N,Z reactions
- Speaker at LANL
- Speaker at LENZ Measurement of the 16O(n,al) Reaction and a Chi-Nu Status Update
- Amanda Lewis (University of California, Berkeley)
Robert Little
- Speaker at Los Alamos ARCHIMEDES Project
- William Marshall (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Andrea Mattera
- Speaker at Update of the compilation effort at BNL
- Eric Matthews (UC Berkeley)
Caleb Mattoon
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
- Speaker at Current Official GNDS Covariance Format and Format Proposals
- Speaker at FUDGE Processing Code Report
- Marie-Laure Mauborgne
Elizabeth McCutchan
- Speaker at BNL Report (ENSDF+XUNDL+NDS)
- Speaker at ENSDF Policies and Procedures
- Speaker at Measurements of branching ratios in U-238
- Speaker at ENSDF Policies and Procedures
- Speaker at Training the next generation through ENSDF related projects
Xavier Mougeot
- Speaker at Update on Beta-Shape
- Denise Neudecker (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
Gustavo Nobre
- Speaker at Status of Cr evaluations
Mark Paris
(LANL T-2)
- Speaker at Define relativistic flag (KRL) in LRF=7
- Speaker at TN Evaluations
- Kent Parsons (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Catherine Percher (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Bruce Pierson
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Battelle)
- Speaker at Fission Product Chain Yield Measurements
- Marco Pigni (ORNL)
Boris Pritychenko
- Speaker at BNL Report (NSR+EXFOR)
- Speaker at Current status of EXFOR
- Speaker at Status of astrophysical abundances and rates calculation using ENDF/B libraries
Catherine Romano
- Speaker at Lessons learned from NDREW and WANDA2019
- Speaker at NDIAWG FOA discussion
- Speaker at Review and discussion of WANDA2020 agenda
- Speaker at Session topics decisions and selection of session leads
Balraj Singh
(McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
- Speaker at McMaster
Balraj Singh
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at A new evaluation of the 147Nd beta-minus decay
- Speaker at McMaster
Michael Smith
- Speaker at ORNL
Vladimir Sobes
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Summary of SG44 and TSL Covariance Format
Alejandro Sonzogni
- Speaker at BNL Report (General)
- Speaker at Cumulative fission yield correlations
- Speaker at Welcome
- Speaker at New developments in Fission Yields and Reactor Antineutrinos
- Speaker at USNDP General Topics
Ionel Stetcu
(Los Alamos National Lab)
- Speaker at U isotope evaluations and 208Pb
Patrick Talou
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Plutonium isotopes
Ian Thompson
- Speaker at Charged particle evaluations
- Speaker at Define relativistic flag (KRL) in LRF=7
- Speaker at LLNL
Jason Thompson
- Speaker at Be9 photonuclear evaluation
- Andrej Trkov (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Ramona Vogt
(LLNL and UC Davis)
- Speaker at Covariances Between Fission Observables Coming from Theory
- Speaker at LLNL Efforts on FPY Evaluations
Dorothea Wiarda
- Speaker at AMPX Processing Code Report
- Speaker at Issues in ENDF/B-VIII.0 GNDS Covariances
- Speaker at SAMMY Code Report
Michael Zerkle
(Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)
- Speaker at FY2020 NCSP Calendar
- Speaker at NDAG Membership Discussion
- Speaker at Opening Remarks & Introductions
- Speaker at Summary of Action Items
- Speaker at Time and Place of Next NDAG Meeting
- Speaker at Validation of H-H O at Elevated Temperatures 2 using Diffusion Experiments
- Shaofei Zhu (NNDC,BNL)