
Group and Project Reports

18 Sept 2019, 08:00
Bldg. 510, Room 1-224 / Thursday, Orange room (BNL )

Bldg. 510, Room 1-224 / Thursday, Orange room


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Lijuan Ruan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
18/09/2019, 08:00
David Morrison (BNL)
18/09/2019, 08:20
Raju Venugopalan (BNL)
18/09/2019, 08:40
18/09/2019, 09:00
Torre Wenaus (BNL)
18/09/2019, 09:30
Edward O'Brien (BNL)
18/09/2019, 10:20
Alexei Fedotov (Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL)
18/09/2019, 10:50
Ferdinand Willeke (BNL)
18/09/2019, 11:20
Vladimir Litvinenko (BNL and Stony Brook University)
18/09/2019, 11:50
Rosi Reed (Lehigh University)
18/09/2019, 13:30
Berndt Mueller (BNL)
18/09/2019, 14:00
Building timetable...