RACF Technology Meetings

Federated Identity Management at BNL: Enabling global collaboration

by John Hover (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Conference Room A (Bldg 725)

Conference Room A

Bldg 725


Put simply, Federated Identity Management is the infrastructure for allowing computer users to use their username and password at their home institution to access distributed computing resources across institutions. This removes the need for them to get external computing accounts at other institutions. In the US, the research and education federation (created as part of Internet2) is called InCommon, and has 1000+ member institutions, including BNL.

For researchers in charge of a distributed project, this talk will cover what the status of Federated ID at BNL is and how it can facilitate collaboration for distributed projects. We'll also discuss tools compatible with InCommon that manage the enrollment of project/experiment users and allow fine-grained authorization within federated applications.

For application developers, we'll also discuss some of the technical aspects to deploying a web application or other resource so it can be used by remote users via identity federation(s). 

Organised by

Scientific Data and Computing Center

Shigeki Misawa