5–6 Dec 2019
Department of Physics and Astronomy
US/Eastern timezone


Day 2

6 Dec 2019, 09:00
C120 (CFNS Peter Paul Room) (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

C120 (CFNS Peter Paul Room)

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Stony Brook University

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Dingyu Shao (UCLA & CFNS)
06/12/2019, 09:00
Vitaly Baturin (Old Dominion University and CFNS)
06/12/2019, 09:20
Andrey Tarasov (The Ohio State University & CFNS)
06/12/2019, 09:40
Ross Corliss (SBU & CFNS)
06/12/2019, 10:00
Zhenyu Chen (Stony Brook University)
Yuxiang Zhao (Stony Brook University)
Andrey Tarasov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Ross Corliss (SBU)
Building timetable...