Sep 24 – 26, 2019
SBU Physics Building
US/Eastern timezone


Workshop Overview

This meeting follows previous workshops on forward physics and high-energy scattering at zero degrees held in 2015, 2017, and 2018.

Zero-degree detectors serve critical roles for a number of important physics topics at collider experiments at RHIC, the LHC and the future EIC. In this workshop, we would like to discuss the following collider physics topics, requirements for zero-degree detectors, and detector technologies of calorimeters and tracking systems such as Roman Pots. We plan to add further detail to physics topics and broaden the physics reach of the zero-degree detectors. We hope to integrate much of our discussion into the detector design and simulation framework to enable a broader community to participate in future discussions.

The topics we would like to discuss during the workshop are:

  • DVCS measurement for access to GPDs to learn about the transverse spatial distribution (of gluons) inside the proton
  • Spectator neutron and proton tagging in e+d/3He collisions
  • Neutron structure as a function of the neutron momentum in the np wavefunction of the deuteron
  • np pairs in a highly correlated short distance interaction and the EMC effect in nuclei dominated by the high-momentum np pairs in nuclei
  • Forward neutrons sensitive to the path length of the parton and fragmentation of the colliding nucleon along the virtual photon direction in the nucleus
  • Breakup veto for exclusive processes on nuclei to distinguish between coherent (nucleus intact) and incoherent (nucleus decays) diffractive scattering
  • Separation of beam and target fragments for hadronic kinematic reconstruction
  • Tagging of very forward-going nuclear isotopes
  • Energy flow in very forward region in hadron and e+p/A colliders for high-energy cosmic ray/neutrino shower evolution
  • Forward and very forward transverse-spin asymmetry measurement
  • Application for luminosity monitors and polarimetry


We will broadcast the workshop via BlueJeans:

Local Accommodations

Please book your accommodation directly with the hotel of your choice. There are two good hotel options near Stony Brook campus, the Hilton Garden Inn Stony Brook and the Holiday Inn Express Stony Brook.

The Hilton Garden Inn Stony Brook is conveniently located on Stony Brook University campus and in walking distance of the workshop venue. We have a limited block of rooms available at a fixed rate of $169/night; this fixed rate will expire on September 9th, after which room rates may increase. A room can be reserved here. (When you click the link, you should see CFNS RBRC WORKSHOP selected under Special Accounts and Rates). You may also reserve a room by calling 631-941-2980 x 0 and asking for group code RBRC. Parking is available at the Hilton Garden Inn for hotel guests. 

The Holiday Inn Express Stony Brook-Long Island is located a short car drive away from the University and offers a local-area shuttle service to and from the university.

Parking Information

If you are driving to Stony Brook, but not staying in the on-campus hotel, you may park in the faculty/staff parking lot near the physics building. We will provide you with a temporary parking permit when you arrive.

A map of the Stony Brook University campus can be found here.


SBU Physics Building
Stony Brook University