5–6 Dec 2019
Department of Physics and Astronomy
US/Eastern timezone


Day 1

5 Dec 2019, 09:30
C120 (CFNS Peter Paul Room) (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

C120 (CFNS Peter Paul Room)

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Stony Brook University


Day 1: Presentations by CFNS postdocs

  • Thomas Ullrich (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Day 1: Presentations by CFNS postdocs

  • Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kolja Kauder
05/12/2019, 09:30
Barak Schmookler (Stony Brook University)
05/12/2019, 09:55
Abha Rajan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
05/12/2019, 11:15
Renaud Boussarie (Brookhaven National Lab)
05/12/2019, 11:40
Building timetable...