83 / 83
Devin Barry
(Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
- Speaker at 181Ta resonance evaluation update
Bret Beck
- Speaker at ENDF-102 Clarification for Primary Discrete
Lee Bernstein
- Speaker at LBNL report
- John Bess (Idaho National Laboratory)
- Tim Bohm (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Friederike Bostelmann
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Covariance testing codes at ORNL
- Peter Brain (RPI)
Dave Brown
- Speaker at Add IAEA Photonuclear Data Library NLIB
- Speaker at Covariance testing codes at BNL
- Speaker at ENDF
- Speaker at RQ Wright's Hf updates
- Speaker at RQ Wright's minor actinide nubar
- Speaker at Summary of changes
- Speaker at TSL format proposals
- Speaker at Updated ENDF Format Approval Process
- Speaker at Welcome
- Speaker at WPEC Subgroup Status Reports
Jesse Brown
- Speaker at Background R-matrix
Roberto Capote
- Speaker at FPY CRP started
- Speaker at IAEA report
- Speaker at Improvements to the 56Fe evaluation
- Speaker at INDEN issues on 235U, 239Pu, etc.
- Speaker at Resolving USU for next version of standards
Allan Carlson
- Speaker at NIST report
- Speaker at Recent Work on Neutron Standards
Mark Chadwick
- Speaker at Introduction
Chris Chapman
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at 140,142Ce RRR evaluation
- Speaker at YHx data measured at the SNS
Jun Chen
- Speaker at ENSDF codes and discussion
- Speaker at MSU report
Jeremy Conlin
- Speaker at NJOY (LANL)
- Speaker at Update manual to suggest using physical constants from CODATA2018
- James deBoer (University of Notre Dame)
- Paraskevi Dimitriou (NCSR Demokritos)
Michael Dunn
(Spectra Tech, Inc.)
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at Updated ENDF Format Approval Process
Sean Finch
(Duke University)
- Speaker at Tentative, TBD
Matthew Gooden
(Los Alamos National Laboraoty)
- Speaker at Tentative, TBD
- Wim Haeck (LANL)
Gerry Hale
- Speaker at 7Li evaluation
Ayman Hawari
(North Carolina State University)
- Speaker at TSL Benchmark and Validation at NCSU
- Speaker at TSL evaluations and progress at NCSU
Adam Hayes
- Speaker at ENSDF Schema
- Speaker at WalletCraft
Mike Herman
- Speaker at 181Ta evaluation
- robert hoffman (LLNL)
Andrew Holcomb
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Covariance testing codes at ORNL
- Jesse Holmes (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
- Marian Jandel (University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA)
Toshihiko Kawano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at IAEA photonuclear library 2019
John Kelley
- Speaker at TUNL report
Keegan Kelly
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Chi-Nu data and covariances
- Speaker at Updates on nuclear data experiments at LANSCE - II
- Hyeong Il Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Kang Seog Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Kay Kolos
- Speaker at WANDA 2021 Agenda
Filip Kondev
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Speaker at AME update
- Speaker at ANL report
Sean Kuvin
- Speaker at 35Cl
Luiz Leal
- Speaker at Updates from IRSN
Hye Young Lee
- Speaker at LANL report
- Speaker at Updates on nuclear data experiments at LANSCE - I
Amanda Lewis
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Speaker at SG-50 and templates
- Ryan Lorek (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Amy Lovell
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at FPY evaluation at LANL
William Marshall
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Recent Testing of ENDF/B-VIII.0 at ORNL
Andrea Mattera
- Speaker at SFY & NFY changes
Eric Matthews
(UC Berkeley)
- Speaker at FY template
Caleb Mattoon
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
- Speaker at FUDGE (LLNL)
Elizabeth McCutchan
- Speaker at ENSDF modernization plan
- Speaker at ENSDF policies and procedures
- Speaker at ENSDF, XUNDL, and NDS
Jordan McDonnell
- Speaker at 63,65Cu RRR+URR evaluation
- Kumar Mohindroo (RPI)
Jonathan Morrell
(University of California, Berkeley)
- Speaker at Berkeley Nuclear Data Measurements Program
Xavier Mougeot
- Speaker at Beta shape
- Speaker at DDEP report
Matthew Mumpower
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at 239Pu
Denise Neudecker
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
- Speaker at Introducing the need for systematic testing and validation of covariances BEFORE their release
- Speaker at nu-bar and PFNS evaluation for 239Pu
- Speaker at Update on template effort
- Speaker at Validating Pu-isotope ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data with critical assemblies and pulsed spheres using machine learning algorithms
- Speaker at TAMU report
- Speaker at Texas A&M ICC and strategic priorities
Gustavo Nobre
- Speaker at Cr evaluation
- Speaker at ENDF
- Speaker at Validation of new evaluations of the chromium isotopes
Mark Paris
(LANL T-2)
- Speaker at Charged particle data evaluation
Kent Parsons
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at Covariance testing codes at LANL
Catherine Percher
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
- Speaker at LLNL Nuclear Data Testing
- Bruce Pierson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Battelle)
- Marco Pigni (ORNL)
- Gregory Potel Aguilar (FRIB)
Boris Pritychenko
- Speaker at NSR and EXFOR
- Speaker at The current status of the EXFOR Project
- Kemal Ramic (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Michael Rapp (Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
- Dimitri Rochman (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Catherine Romano
- Speaker at NDWG Overview and Website
- Guy Savard (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Nicolas Schunck (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Caroline Sears
- Speaker at Fission yield effort at BNL
Benjamin Shu
- Speaker at EVP 2.0
- Speaker at Java-ruler web application
- Speaker at Web dissemination
Balraj Singh
(McMaster University)
- Speaker at 147Nd B- Decay Evaluation
- Speaker at McMaster report
- Speaker at New logFT evaluation
- Speaker at R0 and beta-n
Michael Smith
- Speaker at ORNL report
Vladimir Sobes
(University of Tennessee)
- Speaker at WANDA 2021 Agenda
Alejandro Sonzogni
- Speaker at BNL report
- Speaker at Welcome
- Speaker at Welcome (A. Sonzogni)
Ionel Stetcu
(Los Alamos National Lab)
- Speaker at 234U, 236U evaluations
Jason Thompson
- Speaker at TSL format proposals
Ian Thompson
- Speaker at LLNL report
Andrej Trkov
(International Atomic Energy Agency)
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at JSI Nuclear Data Testing
- Speaker at New INDEN evaluation of Fe isotopes and Mn
- Speaker at Validation of the recent changes in the actinide evaluations U-235, U-233 and Pu-239
- Jeffrey Vanhoy (US Naval Academy)
Ramona Vogt
- Speaker at FREYA
Kyle Wendt
- Speaker at Covariance testing codes at LLNL
Dorothea Wiarda
- Speaker at AMPX/SAMMY (ORNL)
- Speaker at Updated ENDF Format Approval Process
Michael Zerkle
(Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at NNL Nuclear Data Testing
- Speaker at NNL-developed TSL evaluations
- Speaker at TSL mixed elastic scattering format