23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Nucleon transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions from domain wall fermion calculations at 297 MeV pion mass

27 Jun 2014, 17:10
301 Pupin

301 Pupin


Michael Engelhardt (New Mexico State University)


Lattice QCD calculations of transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions (TMDs) in a nucleon are performed based on a definition of TMDs via hadronic matrix elements of quark bilocal operators containing staple-shaped gauge connections. A parametrization of the matrix elements in terms of invariant amplitudes serves to cast them in the Lorentz frame preferred for the lattice calculation. Using a RBC/UKQCD domain wall fermion ensemble corresponding to a pion mass of 297 MeV, on a lattice with spacing 0.084 fm, selected TMD observables are accessed and compared to previous explorations at heavier pion masses on coarser lattices.

Primary author

Michael Engelhardt (New Mexico State University)

Presentation materials